1. Who can join West Hill Minor Hockey Association House League Program?
a. Anyone between the ages of 3 and 20 years, House League is co-ed.
b. There are a limited number of non-resident (905) spots available, accepted on a first come first serve basis.
2. Is previous hockey experience necessary to play House League?
a. No previous hockey experience required.
3. How do I register for West Hill House League?
a. Online Hockey Canada Registration - https://registration.hockeycanada.ca/registration
b. In Person Pre-Registration – TBD
4. Can my son/daughter play on the same Team as a friend?
a. Requests may be considered for pre-registered players only (before Sept 1st).
b. Transportation limitations must be supported by medical documentation only.
c. West Hill supports a minimum of 2 girls on the same Team – not considered a special request
d. Siblings may play on the same Team providing their age group and skill level is equivalent.
e. Tiered House League initiative over rules all player requests.
f. ALL players are subject to movement during Team and Divisional balancing.
5. When does the 2022-23 Season start?
a. Practices start Saturday, October 1, 2022
b. Games start Saturday, October 15, 2022
c. Hawks Nest starts Sunday, October 16, 2022
6. When does the Season end?
a. Championship day Sunday, April 2, 2023
7. Where are the games and practices?
a. All games (except U14 & U15) will beb played at Heron Park Arena
b. U14 & U15 games are Saturdays at Scarborough Centennial Arena
c. All practices will be at Heron Park Arena
8. When are the games played
a. U7 to U15 games are played on Saturday
b. U18 & U20 games are played every Sunday and every other Wednesday
9. When are the practices?
a. U7 is typically on Sunday
b. U8 is Friday and U9 is Monday
c. U10 and U11 may practice on Monday or Wednesday
d. U12 and U13 may practice on Sunday, Wednesday, or Friday
e. U14 and U15 may practice on SUnday, Monday, or Wednesday
10. What equipment does my child need?
a. Link > Equipment Checklist